Ways to Give Back:
Donate the Fast & Easy Way:
Donation Drop Off Sites:
Clouds Brewing Holiday Market Sunday Dec. 10th from 2pm-7pm 1233 Front Street Raleigh
Clouds Brewery Taproom Thurs-Sunday Dec. 7-15 1233 Front Street Raleigh
Raymo Car Care 5006 New Bern Ave, Raleigh, NC 27610 *During Business Hours inside lobby until Dec. 14th*
Porch drop off: 1401 Bridle Glen Court, Wake Forest
- Or contact us to arrange for pick up of large donations
- If you would like to offer your business as a drop off site, please message us. info@carolinacaresnc.org
How Businesses Can Give Back:
Host a toy or coat drop-off site
Sponsor event food and beverages for the families during the event
Sponsor non-toy tables at the event:
*Diaper and wipes table
*Personal hygiene table
*Socks and underwear table
*Food Pantry table
Gift Wrap table
*These items go very quickly as the need is great.
Please contact us at info@carolinacaresnc.org for business sponsorships.
Business Sponsors Welcome!
Sponsoring A Child or Family:
If you are already a member of Carolina Cares on Facebook you may choose to sponsor a child or a family. If you do, it is up to you and the family to coordinate meeting up, dropping off, or picking up the gifts. Carolina Cares does not do pickup or drop off except in rare circumstances.
If you would like to anonymously sponsor a family, you can donate funds to cover a family's gifts.
If you want to purchase gifts and donate them anonymously, please drop off the gifts at Clouds Brewery Taproom during their Holiday Market on December 10, between 2:00-7:00pm at the Kaplan & Co. booth.
If you want to donate gently used toys and coats, please email us at info@CarolinaCaresNC.org to coordinate drop off. Gently used items must be donated by December 5th to allow time for them to be checked over and cleaned. We are not accepting donations of used clothing at this time, only gently used coats.
Volunteering In-Person with Carolina Cares:
If you would like to help the day of the event, December 16th, please contact us. Volunteers for the event must be over the age of 14 and anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by their guardian. Volunteers will be needed from 8:00am until 4:00pm. Majority of the time will be spent standing, walking, bending, and talking with other volunteers and clients.
- Volunteers are also needed on December 9th and 10th to sort and clean any used toys that come in. Location TBD.
- Volunteer needed to take photos and videos before, during, and after the event including photos of volunteers, setups, toys, tables, and crowds. Photos of clients would be taken with their consent, or from a viewpoint where they are not easily identifiable. You will be given written credit for the photos used here on our website and also on social media.
Thank you for showing your neighbors that here in The Triangle, we do indeed CARE!

Christmas Registration Info
Eligibility & Registration Info:
Families must already be a member in good standing of Carolina Cares prior to November 1 and reside in Wake, Johnston, or Durham counties.
Children already signed up with other nonprofits, government agencies, or private sponsorship are not eligible as they are already covered. We want every child to have a special Christmas.
Children must live in your household and be under your care.
Sponsorship is not guaranteed. The number of children sponsored will depend upon the donations received.
Registration is handled only through the Carolina Cares Facebook Group.
Registration opens at 3:00pm on November 24th and closes at 11:59 PM on December 3.
The person who is registered must present a form of ID to match their registration when attending the event on the 16th.
You will be notified (in the original registration) if you are sponsored by December 13th.
Please do not contact Clouds Brewing with questions. All questions should be directed to Carolina Cares.
You must be able to come to the distribution event on Saturday December 16th between 1130am-200pm at Clouds Brewing Taproom, 1233 Front St. Raleigh. This location is near Trader Joe's off Wake Forest Road within walking distances to bus stops.
Thank you to Clouds Brewing for hosting our Christmas event. We are proud to partner with you and appreciate you and your patrons.